In 2018 Californians sent seven freshman Democrats to the House of Representatives. Now Trump’s GOP is spending millions in swing CA Districts to win back those seats, including Congressional District 25.
Join us to connect with voters in one of the most competitive districts in California to win back CA25 and elect Christy Smith to U.S. Congress!
We will be calling voters in CD-25 every Tuesday and Friday at 5:00-8:00 p.m. and Saturdays 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. EVERY WEEK until the election on November 3rd.
To participate in the online phone bank, you'll need a computer or notebook with internet connection, and a phone. The computerized-dialer phone bank will also be available to volunteers who have trained on the system. To find a training session, look here:Â We hold training sessions every Tuesday evening and Saturday morning.
Thanks for helping us win back CD25!
IMPORTANT: Here is your link to join the Zoom meeting for the phone bank:
One tap mobile +12133388477,, 3238393306# US (Los Angeles)
Find your local number:Â
KEKaren Eyres()Karen Eyres is hosting. 2020-08-28 20:57:20 -0700
KEKaren Eyres()