State-Prop Thursday: Call for Schools & Communities First and MORE!

Virtual Event
Elizabeth Hennes
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The propositions on November's ballot will include some urgent matters for Californians to vote on, and voters need to be educated and prepared to make the right choices. That's where you come in.

Join this weekly phone bank to call voters and tell them about Prop 15 (Schools & Communities First), Prop 16 (Opportunity for All), and Prop 21 (Rental Affordability Act).

Millions of dollars in school funding, affordable housing, and the future of racial justice are at stake, and most voters don't even know it.

We're looking for issues-oriented activists and advocates who know how to break down ballot propositions into plain talk, while communicating the urgency and importance of voting. If that is you, then please join us -- we need you.

If you're not sure how to do this but want to learn, please sign up and we'll get you started. We need you, too!

Each Thursday, we'll be calling voters all over California to help them understand key propositions that will be on their ballot in November.

We'll provide you with training for the dialer phone bank, if you need it, and also information about the various propositions we're calling for.

To participate in the dialer phone bank, you'll need a computer with internet connection. A phone isn't required, but can be used to connect with the phonebank and improve your sound quality.

The online ("manual") phone bank will also be available to volunteers who are unable to use the dialer.

If you would like to attend a training session to learn how to use the dialer, look here:

We hold training sessions every Tuesday evening and Saturday morning, and it's just one hour (usually less).

Please indicate on the signup form whether you have experience with the dialer, or have already participated in a training session.

We're looking forward to seeing you Thursday to help get some Yes Votes for important propositions!

  • JY
    Josephine Yang Benjamin
    is hosting. 2020-10-19 15:38:37 -0700
  • JY
    Josephine Yang Benjamin
    published this page in Find or Host an Event 2020-10-19 15:38:37 -0700

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